Instrument | NATA Accredited | Traceable | Tension | Compression | Accuracy |
Hydraulic Jacks & Rams | X | X | 500 kN | 3000 kN | 0.25% of Reading |
Tension Links | X | X | 500 kN | – | 0.25% of Reading |
Crane Scales | X | X | 500 kN | – | 0.25% of Reading |
Dynamometers | X | X | 500 kN | – | 0.25% of Reading |
Load Cells (all types) | X | X | 500 kN | 3000 kN | 0.25% of Reading |
Universal Load Cells | X | X | 500 kN | 3000 kN | 0.25% of Reading |
S-Type Load Cells | X | X | 500 kN | 3000 kN | 0.25% of Reading |
Compression Load Cells | X | X | – | 3000 kN | 0.25% of Reading |
Shear Beam Load Cells | X | X | – | 3000 kN | 0.25% of Reading |
Weigh Bridge Load Cells | X | X | – | 3000 kN | 0.25% of Reading |
Custom Load Cells | X | X | 500 kN | 3000 kN | 0.25% of Reading |
UTMs (Universal Testing Machines) | X | X | 500 kN | 3000 kN | 0.25% of Reading |
Tensile Testing Machines | X | X | 500 kN | – | 0.25% of Reading |
Compression Testing Machines | X | X | – | 3000 kN | 0.25% of Reading |
Concrete Testing Machines | X | X | – | 3000 kN | 0.25% of Reading |
Complete Calibration Services Pty. Ltd. holds NATA accreditation for Force Calibration. NATA Accreditation is objective proof of CCS’s technical competence in the area of Force Calibration. A link to our current NATA Scope.
NATA Accreditation allows us to service all customers that maintain a quality system, including ISO 17025:2017 and ISO 9001.
CCS has in-house manufacturing capability enabling us to cut threads, turn fixtures and mill jigs to suit any load cell. We are proud of our ability to manufacture adapters and fittings as it enables us to offer the most cost-effective and time-efficient solutions to our customers.
Our experience allows us to anticipate your adapting and fitting needs. Don’t worry about any more hidden costs, logistical challenges or overly technical barriers to calibration. We make calibration easy.
CCS kindly asks customers to include the load cell that they require to be calibrated, as well as the indicator that it will be used with.
Some pieces of equipment have integrated or hard-wired indicators like most tension links and some industrial load cells. Some pieces of equipment can be plugged into multiple indicators. Think putting a different pressure gauge on a hydraulic jack, or a different indicating unit on a load cell.
Often different indicators have different electrical characteristics and may process the signal in different ways, therefore the reading of the force device is dependent on the force-measuring device and its indicator. Additionally, CCS is usually happy to load calibration data to the indicator at no additional charge to the customer.
Sending the load cell and indicator is crucial to receiving a quality calibration and being able to use that calibration with confidence.
CCS holds accreditation to two force calibration standards:
AS 2193:2005 – Calibration and classification of force-measuring systems &,
ISO 7500-1:2018 – Calibration and verification of static uniaxial testing machines, Part 1: Tension/compression testing machines.
Standards ensure consistent methods and techniques are applied across labs and therefore comparable results are produced. They apply to a specific set of equipment and govern the environment, setup, reference instruments, methodology and results processing that must be used when performing calibration.
CCS is happy to accommodate requests customers may have as best we can. Should you require a personalised report format, a pressure vs. load chart or another specific piece of information we would be happy to explore how we can assist. We strive to provide industry-leading customer support and satisfaction.
Have your instrument return with a new custom case!
Many customers send instruments in boxes or bags that haven’t been designed for the instrument. If you would like your item sent back in a brand new, high-quality case with a custom-fit insert, get in touch today. We care about your instrument and want it to have a long service life in your organisation.